TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual


Displays information about system and job parameters.




argument is a keyword, chosen from the list below, indicating your choice of INFORMATION command options.
Summary of INFORMATION Command Arguments (defaults in boldface)
/USER:user name
Default user name - your user name
DECNET node-name
DIRECTORY dev:<directory>,
Default dev:<directory> - your connected directory
DISK-USAGE dev:<directory> Default dev:<directory> - your connected directory
logical name:
MAIL user name
Default user name - your user name
/USER:user name
Default user name - your user name
/USER:user name
Default user name - your user name
/USER:user name
Default user name - your user name
STRUCTURE dev: Default dev: - your connected structure
TERMINAL-MODE number Default number - your terminal line number
INFORMATION Command Arguments
ADDRESS-BREAK gives the location (in numeric or symbolic format - depending upon previous specification of the SET TYPEOUT MODE command) and mode of any address breaks for the program currently in memory. Set with SET ADDRESS-BREAK.
ALERTS lists the dates and times that the system is to signal you at the terminal. The last line of the display indicates whether alerts are to be sent unconditionally to your terminal (depending upon previous specification of the SET AUTOMATIC command). Set with SET ALERT.
ARCHIVE-STATUS filespecs prints the archive status of all specified files for which archival has been requested or for which migration has been prohibited.

Default filespec - *.*.* in your connected directory

lists the devices or terminal lines available to you or already assigned to your job. Use ASSIGN to obtain devices (use MOUNT for structures).

Default - DEVICES

/USER:user name
lists the jobs being processed and waiting to be processed by the batch system. The list includes:
  • the jobname and request ID number of the request (an asterisk (*) appears before the jobname if the job is currently being processed)
  • the scheduled run time of the request
  • the name of the user who initiated the request
  • the values of the switches /AFTER and /DEPENDENCY-COUNT, if values were given in the original SUBMIT or subsequent MODIFY command

Use SUBMIT, MODIFY, or CANCEL to change this list.

The /ALL switch adds the switches /ASSISTANCE, /PRIORITY, /RESTARTABLE, /SEQUENCE, and /UNIQUE to this list, while /FAST eliminates the display of all switches and column headings; /PROCESSING-NODE specifies the DECnet network node about whose batch jobs you want information; /USER restricts descriptions to jobs of the user named, and can be given with any of the other three switches.

Default user name - your user name

CLUSTER displays the names of the systems in a Common File System (CFS) cluster:
  • local cluster node (the system you are logged in on).
  • accessible CFS nodes (the other systems in the CFS cluster).
  • accessible HSC servers (the HSC50 device controllers in the cluster).
COMMAND-LEVEL prints the status of the LATE-CLEAR-TYPEAHEAD parameter, which prevents you from giving another TOPS-20 command until any error message resulting from a previous command has been printed. Set with SET LATE-CLEAR-TYPEAHEAD.
DECNET node-name tells whether the specified DECnet network node is accessible to your system. If you do not specify a node name, the system prints the name of your host system, the total number of reachable nodes, and the names of all reachable nodes.

Default node-name - all accessible nodes

displays, in a format suitable for entering them, default arguments established at the current level of TOPS-20 for the specified command. CARDS and PAPER-TAPE refer to the PUNCH CARDS and PUNCH PAPER-TAPE commands, respectively. COMPILE-SWITCHES refers to LOAD-class commands and PROGRAM refers to the SET PROGRAM command. The ALL argument displays the defaults for all these categories. Set with SET DEFAULT. This argument displays the default for every SET DEFAULT command given, even if duplicate setting are made.

Default - ALL

DIRECTORY dev:<directory>,
lists the current parameter values set for the indicated directory (with the exception of the directory password) by the SET DIRECTORY or BUILD commands, or by default. The subcommands call for either a short list of non-default (that is, user-determined) values only (FAST), or a complete list including defaults (VERBOSE), or a listing of directory names only (NAME-ONLY). If you use NAME-ONLY, specify a directory in the form <directory.*>, <*directory*>, or <*>. The categories of information include:
  • the name of the directory
  • working and permanent storage limits
  • capabilities (assigned or withheld)
  • whether you can establish DECnet or INTERNET network connections
  • whether expired files should be automatically archived
  • directory number
  • default file protection
  • default account for login
  • directory protection
  • default number of generations maintained for files
  • maximum number of subdirectories allowed
  • date and time that you started the current terminal session with LOGIN (for log-in directory only)
  • date and time of last interactive login
  • date and time of last non-interactive login
  • date and time password expires
  • number of interactive login failures since last login
  • number of non-interactive login failures since last login
  • off-line and on-line expiration defaults
  • group memberships
  • user group numbers assignable to subdirectories
  • TOPS-10 project-programmer number

Set with SET DIRECTORY or (for subdirectories) BUILD.

Default dev:<directory> your connected directory
Default subcommand FAST
DISK-USAGE dev:<directory> prints, for the indicated directory, the following:
  • the name of the directory
  • the number of pages of assigned disk storage, and the number of deleted pages, if any
  • working and permanent page limits
  • total number of unused pages on the file structure containing the directory

The wildcard characters, * and % can be included in the <directory> field. For example, type <%directory*>, <directory.*>, or <*> to get information about all matching directories or subdirectories.

Default dev:<directory> - your connected directory

FILE-STATUS octal JFN gives, for the specified JFN (an internal number identifying each file opening), the following:
  • the JFN
  • the associated file specification
  • the mode of access (Append, Execute, Read, or Write) for which the JFN is open (or was opened last, if NOT OPENED precedes the access mode)
  • special access conditions, namely DATA ERROR if an error is made in accessing the file, or EOF if the file pointer is at the end of the file
  • if appropriate, byte pointer and byte size, which tell the number of bytes transferred to or from the file, and
  • a list of devices currently assigned to or opened by this job But if a file has been opened by another process for its sole use, you see only the message, "Restricted JFN".

Default JFN - all JFNs for your job

FORK-STATUS gives a summary of the status of each fork belonging to your current copy of the TOPS-20 command processor, including Kept status, RUN status, and total CPU time used so far. An arrow (=>) indicates your current fork.
INTERNET STATUS displays, if the system is a member, information about Internet networks, including INTERNET, Milnet and Local Area Networks. The display includes:
  • the name of the local host system followed by its Internet name and its Internet address
  • the status of the network interface
  • whether network interface output is enabled
  • whether network service is enabled
  • the date and time of the last network interface online transition, offline transition, and cycle transition
JOB-STATUS prints your
  • host system (Displayed only if your host system is part of a DECnet or INTERNET network.)
  • job number
  • user name
  • connected directory (if not your log-in directory)
  • account; session remark (if any)
  • terminal number
  • terminal access descriptor
  • network node to which your output device, requests are sent. (Displayed only if not your host node.) Set with the command, SET LOCATION.

You can set some of these parameters with CONNECT, SET ACCOUNT, SET LOCATION, and SET SESSION-REMARK.

logical name:
prints the logical names and definitions which have been established for your job, for the system, or for both; or prints the job-wide and system-wide definitions of the specified logical name. Establish and withdraw logical names with DEFINE.

For the DEFINE and INFORMATION LOGICAL-NAMES commands, a colon following the logical name is optional. However, in INFORMATION LOGICAL-NAMES the logical name SYS: must always be followed by a colon. Otherwise, the system interprets SYS as an abbreviation for the SYSTEM argument.

The wildcard characters, * and % can be included in the logical name. For example, type A* to list all logical names that begin with the letter 'A'. See example 6.

Default - JOB

MAIL user name
tells whether there is unread mail for the user, if you have read access to the user's mailbox; otherwise, you see only the message, "Mailbox protected." Also, displays any system messages since your last login when you type SYSTEM instead of user-name. Send mail with one of the two mail programs, MAIL and DECmail/MS. Read mail with the RDMAIL or DECmail/MS program.

Default user name - your user name

MEMORY-USAGE prints, for the current process of your job, the following:
  • the number of pages of memory assigned
  • location (in numeric or symbolic format - depending upon previous specification of the SET TYPEOUT MODE command) and length of the current program's entry vector (see with SET ENTRY-VECTOR) and on each succeeding line
  • the page numbers of pages occupied by a file or program
  • the file specification if the pages are file pages; the process specification if the pages are mapped from another process; PRIVATE otherwise.
  • the page numbers of file pages or process pages. If a page is mapped by indirect pointers, the file specification is printed to which it is mapped; "Fork n" means that these pages are mapped indirectly through another process (process n) of the job; "No page" can mean either of these conditions, when the destination page does not yet exist.
  • the permitted accesses to the pages (set with SET PAGE-ACCESS):
    RRead access
    WWrite access
    CWCopy-on-Write access
    EExecute access

    See Example 4 at the end of this command description for obtaining information on pages assigned to extended sections of memory.

MONITOR-STATISTICS gives you the following:
  • the length of time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) since the monitor was reloaded
  • an analysis of monitor overhead time, by percentages
  • the number of swap-reads and -writes, and file-reads and -writes
  • the number of pages of memory available to user programs
  • the number of terminal wake-ups (occasions when a program "wakes up" after waiting for terminal input or output to finish, and of terminal interrupts (occasions when a program is interrupted by a CTRL/C, CTRL/O, or CTRL/T (or other, user-enabled control characters) typed at a user's terminal)
  • the average number of processes in the balance set (NBAL, a subset of the run set - these are runnable, and each receives a share of total CPU time) and in the remainder of the run set (NRUN - these are waiting to be run)
  • the number of seconds of CPU time given to each of the scheuler queues (where the leftmost listing describes the highest priority queue, for interactive processes, and the rightmost listing is for CPU-bound processes)
  • if class scheduling is enabled, the allotted share and actual use of the system (expressed as a percentage of total CPU time) by each class, and the 1-, 5-, and 15-minute load averages of each class

All averages and totals are computed for the time since system start-up.

/USER:user name
prints a list, at your terminal, of pending structure-mount and tape-mount requests, and of tape-mount requests currently being satisfied. The list includes:
  • the volid of the first volume of tape that will be mounted, or the volid of the mounted tape, or the structure identification of each disk pack that will be mounted
  • the status of each volume of tape (either the number of the tape drive, in the form, MTAn, on which it is mounted, or Waiting)
  • the type of request (either Disk or Tape)
  • the tape density specified in the tape-mount request
  • the mode (either Enabled, if the /WRITE-ENABLED switch was specified or assumed in the original MOUNT-TAPE command, or Locked if /READ-ONLY applies) in which each volume of tape is to be mounted
  • the request number (i.e., request ID number) of each request
  • the number of the job that made the request
  • the user name of the owner of the job that made the request

Use the MOUNT, CANCEL (for pending requests), and DISMOUNT (for satisfied requests) commands to change this list.

The /ALL switch adds the following to the display: the /ASSISTANCE, /PRIORITY, /RESTARTABLE/, /NOTE, /SEQUENCE, /UNIQUE, and /REMARK switches, whether a tape mount request is for a labeled tape, and the tape volume-set name. The /FAST switch eliminates column headings and the sum of the number of requests; /USER restricts descriptions to jobs of the user named, and can be given with either of the other two switches.

Default user name - your user name

/USER:user name
prints a listing, at your terminal, of the requests being sent or waiting to be sent to an output device. The list includes:
  • the name of the node (for remote line printer requests)
  • the name of the queue (card punch, paper tape punch, plotter, or line printer)
  • the jobname and request ID number of the request (an asterisk (*) appears before the jobname if the request is currently being processed)
  • the output limit, in appropriate units (number of pages, minutes of plotter time, feet of paper tape, or number of cards)
  • the name of the user who initiated the request, and
  • values of the switches /AFTER, /FORMS, and /UNIT, if given non-default values in the original PRINT, PLOT, PUNCH, or subsequent MODIFY command.

Use PRINT, PLOT, PUNCH, MODIFY, or CANCEL to change this list.

The /ALL switch adds the /NOTE and /SEQUENCE switches to this list, while the /FAST switch eliminates the display of all switches and column headings; /USER restricts descriptions to jobs of the user named, and can be given with either of the other two switches. The /DESTINATION-NODE switch displays the print requests on remote nodes in the same TOPS-20 cluster as the local node. Default user name - your user name

PROGRAM-STATUS gives the following information for the current level of the TOPS-20 command processor (EXEC):
  • the amount of CPU time you have used, and total elapsed time since you logged in
  • the amount of TOPS-20 command processor time used
  • SET UUO-SIMULATION (set with SET UUO-SIMULATION) if the TOPS-10 compatibility package is enabled to simulate TOPS-10 monitor calls issued by a program you are running
  • SET CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY (set with SET CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY) if your program is allowed to handle CTRL/C interrupts itself
  • the settings established with the SET TRAP and SET TYPEOUT commands
  • the settings established with the SET DEFAULT PROGRAM command
  • the settings established with the SET PROGRAM command
  • a summary of the status of each fork belonging to the current copy of the TOPS-20 command processor, including kept status, RUN status, and total CPU time used so far

An arrow (=>) indicates your current fork.

PSI-STATUS tells you:
  • whether the PSI (Programmed Software-Interrupt) system is in use (ON) or not (OFF)
  • the memory address of the level table and of the channel table - 0 if none was set
  • the numbers of the priority levels for which there are interrupts in progress (1 and/or 2 and/or 3), where 1 is the highest priority
  • the numbers of channels enabled (ready) to accept interrupts, and of channels with pending interrupts

For further discussion of the interrupt system see the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual.

REMOTE-PRINTING displays system definitions and characteristics for remote line printers.
/USER:user name
prints a list, at your terminal, of pending retrieval requests. Each file for which you request retrieval constitutes a separate request, even if specified within a single RETRIEVE command. The list includes:
  • the name of the request (the first six characters of the filename)
  • the request ID number
  • the volids of each tape containing the file
  • the name of the user who made the request
  • The /ALL switch includes the complete specification (up to 49 characters of the file, while the /FAST switch eliminates column headings; /USER restricts descriptions to requests of the user named and can be used with either of the other two switches.

Note that the /ALL switch does not display the complete file specification unless you have Wheel or Operator privileges.

Default user name - your user name

SPOOLED-OUTPUT-ACTION tells you whether the system processes your spooled output requests immediately, or defers them until you log out. Set with SET SPOOLED-OUTPUT-ACTION.
STRUCTURE dev: gives, for each structure named, the following:
  • information as to whether the system performs checking operations while writing to the data or swapping areas of the structure. The system would perform this checking by immediately reading the data that it has just written. If the system manager has enabled these functions, the following lines appear at the top of the display: "Write verification for data", and "Write verification for swapping".
  • the number of users who have mounted the structure, the number of open files on the structure, and the number of disks in the structure
  • kind of structure - Public or Private, Domestic or Foreign (see the TOPS-20 User's Guide)
  • names of users who have mounted the structure
  • names of users who have accessed the structure
  • names of users who have connected to the structure
  • whether or not the structure is offline

The colon after the structure name is optional. Use an asterisk * for dev: to specify all mounted structures. Mount and dismount structures with the MOUNT and DISMOUNT commands.

Default dev: - your connected structure

SUBSYSTEM-STATISTICS gives, for each subsystem (any name specified by the SETSN JSYS), the following information:
  • its name and total runtime since the system last started - SNAMES, STIMES
  • the average number of page faults per second it has caused - SPFLTS
  • the number of long-term waits it has caused - SNBLKS
  • its average working-set size (the number of pages it occupies in memory)-SSIZE
  • the number of times a SETSN JSYS has been executed for it (excluding the EXEC subsystem)

See the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual for more information.

SUPERIORS tells you the number of forks that are superior to the current EXEC level. This number is equal to the number of times you gave the PUSH command without intervening POP commands.

Note that many programs have PUSH commands and that some programs automatically do a PUSH. These PUSHes also change the number of superior forks reported by this command.

SYSTEM-STATUS tells you:
  • whether the operator is present
  • what kinds of logins are allowed - local, remote, pseudo-terminal, DECnet, Arpanet, or console
  • whether accounting (assessing and recording charges for system use) is being done
  • whether account validation (checking accounts against lists of authorized users) is enabled
  • whether working set preloading is enabled (Working set preloading is discussed in the System Manager's Guide and in the Software Installation Guide.)
  • whether sending of level zero system messages is enabled. System level 0 messages inform users about resource problems, such as:
    • [GIDNEY: Caution, Swapping space low]
    • [CLOYD: Caution, SPT space low]
    • [THEP: Caution, Disk space low on system structure THEP:]
  • whether sending of level one system messages is enabled. System level 1 messages inform users of operationsal type messages, such as:
    • [RONCO: Deleted files will be expunged from system structure RONCO: in 30 seconds]
    • [RONCO: Expunge of structure RONCO: completed]
  • whether sending of operator messages (like BUGCHK, BUGINF, and "RESOURCE LOW") to the CTY (central terminal) is enabled
  • whether tape-drive allocation (automatic assignment of tape drives) is enabled
  • whether automatic file retrieval-waits (the delaying of a command's execution until specified off-line files are [automatically] retrieved) are enabled
  • the system's expiration default date for off-line files
  • the current setting of the scheduler bias control
  • whether class scheduling is enabled, and, if it is enabled, the special class (if any) for batch jobs, and the default class (if any)
  • off-line structures timeout interval
  • status of cluster information
  • status of cluster sendalls
  • minimum password length
  • number of days for password to expire
  • whether the password dictionary is enabled
TAPE-PARAMETERS gives the default settings of these parameters for magnetic tapes:
  • tape density, in bits per inch
  • tape parity (ODD or EVEN)
  • tape record length, in bytes

Set with SET TAPE.

TERMINAL-MODE number gives the following information about the specified terminal:
  • its type (for example, LA36, VT52, or SYSTEM-DEFAULT)
  • its speed (baud rate), in bits per second. If the terminal is connected to the system through another node, such as a DECserver-100 or another TOPS-20 system, the terminal speed cannot be determined by this command. This is indicated in the display by the message !Terminal speed indeterminate!.
  • whether all output that does not originate from your own job is inhibited.
  • whether it is set to receive or refuse links, advice, and system messages
  • whether it is set to pause in printing output when you type the pause character, and/or at the end of each full page of output
  • the pause and continue characters that you may have set with the TERMINAL PAUSE CHARACTER command (only if TERMINAL PAUSE END-OF-PAGE and TERMINAL PAUSE COMMAND are in effect, and if CTRL/S and CTRL/Q were not the specified characters)
  • the length (in number of lines) and width (in number of characters) of its page
  • whether it is capable of printing lowercase characters, whether it is set to raise lowercase letters you type to uppercase, and whether it will mark (flag) capital letters with a single quotation mark (')
  • whether it has a formfeed mechanism, and whether it is set to only indicate formfeeds or to perform them
  • whether it has mechanical tab stops, whether it is set to immediately echo input you type
  • whether it is operating in FULLDUPLEX or HALFDUPLEX mode

Set with TERMINAL. The SYSTAT command displays terminal numbers.

VERSION tells you:
  • the name of the host system
  • the TOPS-20 operating system's name and octal version number
  • the octal version of the TOPS-20 command processor (EXEC) in use
  • the name (and decimal or octal version number, if any) of the program in the current fork for which program data vectors (PDVs) exist and that are associated with the current process. (See the TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Reference Manual and the description of the /PVBLOCK switch in the TOPS-20 LINK Reference Manual for information on PDVs.) See Example 5.
  • the decimal version of the UUO simulation package in use (if a TOPS-10 program is in memory)

The format of a version number is:


where: (1) a and b are respectively incremented for major and minor changes in the software (2) c gives a rough indication of the number of times the software component has been edited (3) d, a holdover from earlier versions of TOPS-20 which is now rarely used, identifies the programmer(s) responsible for the software component.

VOLUMES setname: gives the volids of currently mounted and newly created volumes in the specified tape set. A colon after the tape set name is optional.


Specifying the Current Fork of TOPS-20

Use the FORK command to specify the fork to be described by the ADDRESS-BREAK, FILE-STATUS, MEMORY-USAGE and VERSION arguments. Find out your current fork with INFORMATION FORK-STATUS.



For non-privileged users, the local node's GALAXY must know if the remote node has printers. If the user is privileged, then the print request queue of the node specified is displayed, regardless of whether the local GALAXY knows if the node has printers or not. The user specified node must be a node in the cluster known to the local GALAXY.

If the node specified by the /DESTINATION-NODE switch is the local node, then the print request queue of the local node is displayed.

You cannot use an * as an argument in the /DESTINATION-NODE switch.

Related Commands

SYSTAT for printing information about the current state of the system.


  1. Use an INFORMATION command to determine your current terminal settings.
  2. Mount a structure and access your directory on the structure. Compare the disk space available in this directory and in your connected directory. (Note that there are many more pages free on your connected structure (MISC:) as a whole than on structure SNARK:; this is likely to make your use of the system more efficient if you work only within MISC:.)
    Structure SNARK: mounted
     198 Pages assigned
     400 Working pages, 400 Permanent pages allowed
     2836 Pages free on SNARK:
     119 Pages assigned
     590 Working pages, 590 Permanent pages allowed
     33172 Pages free on MISC:
  3. Print a file, ordering several copies and supplying a note to be attached to it. Use an INFORMATION command to verify that your request is in the output queue. Modify the date on which the job will be printed, and use the INFORMATION command again to confirm this action.
    TE:"T-TH LAB"
    [Printer job TESTF1 queued, request-ID 219, Limit 54]
    Printer Queue:
    Job Name  Req#  Limit            User          
    --------  ----  -----  ------------------------
      TESTF1   219     54  LATTA                  /Forms:NARROW
              /After: 8-Nov-85 17:00  /Note:T-TH LAB  /Seq:1791
    There is 1 job in the queue (none in progress)
    @MODIFY PRINT 219 /AFTER:15-NOV-85 17:00
    [1 Job modified]
    Printer Queue:
    Job Name  Req#  Limit             User          
    --------  ----  -----  ------------------------
      TESTF1   219     54  LATTA                   /Forms:NARROW
              /After:15-Nov-85 17:00   /Note:T-TH LAB  /Seq:1791
    There is 1 job in the queue (none in progress)
  4. Request to print a file on a remote node, then use the INFORMATION command to verify that your request is in the remote output queue.
    [Printer job VENUS queued  on  node  HENSON,  request-ID  39,
    Limit 12]
    Printer Queue:
    Job Name  Req#  Limit             User          
    --------  ----  -----  ------------------------
      VENUS   200     54   ANDERSON
    There is 1 job in the queue (none in progress)
  5. Place a program in memory section 17. Then give the INFORMATION MEMORY-USAGE command to verify that the program was appropriately placed. The page numbers, beginning at 17000, indicate that section 17 is in use, because a section comprises 1000 (octal) pages. Also, the left half of the entry vector location contains 17.
    64.  pages, Entry vector loc 17,,542 len 254000
      Section 0     R, W, E,  Private
      Section 17    R, W, E,  Private
    17000-17002      GRADES.EXE.1  1-3   R, CW, E
    17374-17425      GRADES.EXE.1  4-35   R, CW, E
    17600-17637      GRADES.EXE.1  36-75   R, CW, E
    17643-17645      GRADES.EXE.1  76-100   R, CW, E
  6. Issue the INFORMATION VERSION command for information on programs in your memory area that have program data vectors associated with them. Note that the merging of such programs yields consolidated information.
     BOSTON TOPS-20 System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(163)
     TOPS-20 Command processor 7(10)
     Program is IOLIB
    PDVs:  Program name IOPAK, version 1.1(420)
     BOSTON TOPS-20 System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(163)
     TOPS-20 Command processor 7(10)
     Program is MATHLB
    PDVs:  Program name MATHLB, version 3.33(360)
     BOSTON TOPS-20 System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(163))
     TOPS-20 Command processor 7(10)
     Program is MATHLB
    PDVs:  Program name MATHLB, version 3.33(360)
           Program name IOPAK, version 1.1(420)
     BOSTON TOPS-20 System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(163)
     TOPS-20 Command processor 7(10)
     Program is MATHLB
    PDVs:  Program name REPORT, version 3.1(156)
           Program name MATHLB, version 3.33(360)
           Program name IOPAK, version 1.1(420)
  7. Use the INFORMATION LOGICAL-NAMES command with the * wildcard to list all the job-wide and system-wide logical names that begin with the letter 'P'.
    PCL: => RANDOM:<PCL>
    PS: => GIDNEY:
  8. Use the INFORMATION INTERNET STATUS command to display the status of INTERNET nodes.
    Local dec-internet host name is
     Network interface type is IPNI, Internet address is
     Network interface is up, output is enabled
     Network service is enabled
     Last network interface up transition: 4-May-90 23:16:04
    Local dec-mrnet host name is
     Network interface type is IPNIA, Internet address is
     Network interface is up, output is enabled
     Network service is enabled
     Last network interface up transition: 4-May-90 23:16:02
    Local dec-mrrad host name is
     Network interface type is IPCI, Internet address is
     Network interface is up, output is enabled
     Network service is enabled
     Last network interface up transition: 4-May-90 23:16:02